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How do I get this fantastic application, I hear you say!!

Well! Let me just tell you. =:) There's several ways. First, I've made available source, RPM, source RPM, and debian packages below.... These are for the "released" versions of bbkeys. You could think of these below as "stable".

Thanks to the kind folks at Sourceforge.net, though, bbkeys also has its own CVS repository that is accessible and browsable.

To access the CVS version (latest and greatest at any given point in time) of bbkeys

  • cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bbkeys login
  • cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bbkeys co bbkeys

To browse and download CVS bbkeys from your web browser, go here...

And your choice of packages....


Okay then. Whoopsie. I forgot to mention this elsewhere and it makes sense to do it here.... bbkeys versions 0.8.4 and later are designed to work with blackbox 0.62.0 and greater. The reason for this is that blackbox's internals changed with 0.62.0, and to use bbkeys completely, you'll need to get bbkeys 0.8.4 or later. So then... on with the download choices... =:)

Show Me The Files (TM)





Memorable Quotes
You have probably heard this before, but there is one thing I miss in bbkeys. That is a proper window cycling keybinding. I know you have window next and last. But I often have 5-6 windows in a workspace, but most of the time I only use 2-3 of them. It's very annoying to have to cycle throug all other windows that I don't use to swap between 2 windows. I know I can use the "prev window", but then I need to bind another key.

The best thing would be to have a cycle windows keybinding that works the same way as the one in sawfish. The windows aren't cycled through sequentially, but instead the most recent window comes first.

Best regards
Vidar Breivik


this site based heavily on (ripped off from) a design by Greg Sanders (ElCoronel)

bbkeys, a subsidiary of the mythical movingparts.net companies